

Autistic amateur artist, writer and passionate video-gamer with rants up his sleeve and an ill-fitting hood. (Replies may be 18+!)
(PFP by @Yeyeliz!)

フォロー数:133 フォロワー数:123

i have never made an actual map for trouton city
however, i have made rough interpretations of some of the locations in the sky pirates world

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hi, i'm theherochao
i'm an amateur artist, writer and hopefully voice-actor-to-be with a couple of concepts in the works, all of which use a cartoony aesthetic

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was feeling bored again, so i made another bit of fan-art, this time featuring my and 's tyrannical princesses, layla and bernadette

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wow, more raffles should do this, this is cool
me and my amazing author pal will be entering with our two toilers of time; queen bee and nicholai
(you can choose whichever form you want for queen bee, and nicholai is the one to the left in the second picture)

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02. though i'm not really planning to go anywhere with him, my newest OC is kee, the exiled demon

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01. my oldest *truly original* character would have to be cave the caveboy, though he would be retooled later on for the chrono kids
the very first character i made *ever* was a sonic oc based on a hero chao, which is how i got my alias
(can't show it due to the file type though)

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this is sarah
born into a dystopian future in the 5000s A.D, sarah desperately wanted to change the world for the better, but this dream would go unrealized until she found the time travel hat, thus beginning her adventure through time
(art by myself, and )

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for the chrono kids, they find various treasures across each time period, then find a place to sell them off for that era's currency
some are more eccentric about it than others
(yes, i seriously made a meme with ben, i'm not sorry lol)

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owl certainly wouldn't benefit from that, since his family's already rich, but bullet ant and fairy fly would *kill* for money like that
they unfortunately live in relative poverty, with neither of their parents being able to keep a job for prolonged periods of time

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the first 2 pics show various heroes and villains from the sky pirates, a story i started all the way back in early 2019
the latter 2 pics show the chrono kids and the time tyrants, characters i made for a kid's cartoon concept at the end of 2019

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