

Autistic amateur artist, writer and passionate video-gamer with rants up his sleeve and an ill-fitting hood. (Replies may be 18+!)
(PFP by @Yeyeliz!)

フォロー数:133 フォロワー数:123
# artist

some more art for friends, these two are 's autumn and 's avatar!

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hope you feel alright soon, sending prayers and hugs <3

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did this just last night before collapsing onto my bed to sleep lol
minor redesign to the sky pirates airship... and some minor turbulence, as well O_O

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welp, if you're asking for more i'll give you more haha
how aboooooout the protag of my cartoon concept, sarah?

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and this last one was made for ! really nice project to do, maybe i'll do more in the future 👀

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it doesn't have to be when you have friends at your back to help you out, take care of yourself yeye 🫂

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well, since i already did this with arjay, hows about my book's MC, owl?
he's one of my older characters creation-wise so this is bound to be good lol

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