

Autistic amateur artist, writer and passionate video-gamer with rants up his sleeve and an ill-fitting hood. (Replies may be 18+!)
(PFP by @Yeyeliz!)

フォロー数:133 フォロワー数:123
# artist

man, that's making me wish *i* was still as carefree and sunshine-y as i was, damn you adulthood lol
frog is EASILY the cheeriest and sunniest out of the sky pirates cast; there's a reason she's a beloved pop-star and captain for the cheerleading squad
(art by an IRL friend!)

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barely talk about this lad anymore so go nuts haha

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FINALLY i got 'round to finishing up the last of my drawings of 's galactic vagabonds, so here's apollo!
bit of a challenge, but i'd like to think it's a pretty faithful recreation

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oh, of course!
i would've used cat for this but white fox is just more interesting lol
white fox's skin is very pale, her somewhat slender figure accompanied by snowy-white hair
strangely, she is the only one to have used frostbite and NOT get icy blue eyes :o
art by !

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hope the hugs make the pain go away ;~;

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i LOVE webcomics, getting to read a story with stellar art alongside it is always a treat C:
so in celebration of that, here's a tribute to one that i'm a fan of: from 's "the last dimension", here's fai!
purple hair's cool, honestly kinda wish it was used more 🤔

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read through it and can confirm
there was phil 👀
and speaking of TLD...
i'll let you guess what i have planned for tomorrow ;)

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