

#Herstory is every woman's story


#BrigidsDay campaign: herstory.ie/the-campaign

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We are so thankful to the who is a supporter of the exhibition. It features May Blood, whose life’s passion was integrated education and peace.

Read more about her: https://t.co/1YCgTEPJuB


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Brigid X Barbara O'Meara

You may recognise 's work from past Light shows but in 2022 Girl God Books published 'My Name is Brigid' dedicated to bringing the myths & stories of the goddess Brigid to life for children - & Barbara was the illustrator!

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Today we are sharing IMBOLC by Godmother Mari Kennedy, a wonderful collection of Brigid's themes, traditions & rituals.


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‘As we strive for equality today, Brigid reminds us that we must heal our inner feminine & masculine. As w/in so w/out, as above so below. She is a reminder that duality & separation are illusions. Unity & harmony are our true nature...’
🎨Fionnuala Halpin

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...Like many Celtic saints, Brigid believed that each person needs a soul friend to discover together that God speaks most powerfully in the seemingly mundane details of shared daily life...

Art: By a 5th class Dublin student.

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‘We know that when Brigid was a young girl she was an activist. She was an environmentalist,’ Melanie says.

A true role model for our times!

Art: 5th class student from D7

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Brigid was Ireland’s first environmentalist and feminist. A legendary activist, she had no time for injustice. Students were asked to imagine if was alive today what cause would she champion? Capture her activism and healing magic through art.

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This open call was for primary and secondary school students age 5 to 18 to create a piece of artwork inspired by - Goddess, Saint and Woman - for the spectacular Festival of Light for See https://t.co/tmMNYJnxef

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Mnásome! We are so inspired by the submissions we received for the Schools Artivism Project for Check out these epic artworks by Mr O'Broin's 5th class Dublin 7

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As well as our earlier open call to artists 18+, we also want to hear from students aged 5-18 through our student artivism project.

Read on to hear about our special open call for schools & students everywhere...

🎨by Margaret McKenna

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