

Games & Narrative Professor

East Coast USA 🇺🇸 to East Asia🌏
Researching Dragons, Ninja, Swords,
Orientalism Fantasy

フォロー数:997 フォロワー数:4246
# ffxvi

"A hobo is a migrant worker in the United States. A hobo travels and is willing to work; a tramp travels, but avoids work if possible; a bum neither travels nor works."

Called 'gig economy today', it's actually a return to the Hobo Economy of 100 years ago!

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In a broad sense, Hellboy II n' Matrix are after decades of Wuxia Immortals, Kungfu Ghosts, Anime n' manga ninja influence on western fantasy.

Warhammer's a big trend setter in modern fantasy that '08 Hellboy would look at, they're very open on their Eastern influence.

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DBFZ already has universal grab fulfilling "see a cool combo" in less time, and many brawlers n fighting games have continuous attack specials, some just by tapping attack.

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Favorite Fighting Game Mechanic
- Parries and Attack clashing (especially with weapons), they make for fun cool resets and reversals. Active defense in general.

Least Favorite
- Auto combos, anti newcomer extending time one can't respond and obscuring where choice happens. https://t.co/LBOdzGP6Sk

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"Throw child off a cliff, as a test" happens a lot in JP anime manga games.

I think it comes from Renjishi 連獅子 "Two Lions", Noh n' Kabuki play where the father (red lion) throws the son (white lion) off a cliff to see if he can survive the climb back. Metaphor or literal. https://t.co/fb1g7CRIIe

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Ken Sugimori of Pokemon fame loves many SEGA games, Phantasy Star included.

His Alise and Smokin' Hot Nei have his own twist but stay true to their 80's vibe. Come to think of it, FFT Agrias is rather Alise-like.

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Majors and Jordan have Gundam pilot synergy. https://t.co/Uv3gEiqSaL

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Around this time, Pokemon Black White was based on the USA, so the villains are a bunch of Crusaders that have "Roman emperor that saved christianity" Constantine's chi-roh as their symbol.

A church where I grew up had kids stab pikachu dolls cuz "Oriental Devil Worship!!" https://t.co/JJ2EANANoU

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Ifrit vs Garuda battle is most definitely a nod to Deviman vs Siren.

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