

Games & Narrative Professor

East Coast USA 🇺🇸 to East Asia🌏
Researching Dragons, Ninja, Swords,
Orientalism Fantasy

フォロー数:997 フォロワー数:4246

One of the funniest things about utterly browbeaten 2010's Capcom Japan grabbing spiffing brit devs to Americanize Devil May Cry is....

nobody at pip pip cheerio Ninja Theory realized Devil May Cry's Dante is Wesley Snipes Blade, but with a red jacket, even 'Virgil' is there! https://t.co/S5MbGvbWC4

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"One armed one eyed swordsman wronged by those he swore to serve. He burns for revenge... but what if he finds peace?" is the Tange Sazen archetype.

His relationship to Griffith starts like Yoshitsune n' Benkei (latter also wields enormous hunks of iron)

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I picture Scary Kirby as a Kazuma Kaneko Picasa.

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The producer of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, Masaaki Yamagiwa, also worked on Bloodborne and Tokyo Jungle at JAPAN Studio (1st party SONY studio that was closed). Before that he worked on Sonic Rush n' Sonic Unleashed! https://t.co/gOKXkYxhnx

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Warhammer Lumineth elves got fantasy bows with lotta strings n' multi layered limbs. Assymetric like Japanese yumi, but different layering (yumi layered like Gradius boss shields).

There's Chinese crossbow prods with that kind of visible limb layering, made of bamboo slats.

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Does Mitsuki ever get a good fight in Boruto anime?

There's immense potential in how an Electric Snake Ninja can be animated.

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Whoooooah at this time Miyazaki was planning an anime with flying demon castles, mecha, and samurai called Sengoku Majo!!

Fallen Buddha statues, the inspiration for God Warriors? Goes back to Ultraman and the lost Buddha first Tokusatsu kaiju film!

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Earl Norem illustrated GI Joe, Conan, He-Man, "Wizards, Warriors, & You", and could also paint cool Asian heroes!

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Pat Mills was cursed by the gods of English Literature to create hit influential characters interpreted the opposite of his lefty intentions over and over and over even when they have SS lightning bolts for eyes or loudly declare purging xenos is a front for white supremacy.

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