

Artist trying to leave his mark on the world one stroke at a time. Illustrator. Outward thinker. All around trouble maker. DM for commissions IG Hoodtendacies

フォロー数:295 フォロワー数:299

Selling prints on this PPGZ piece from last year on my site
Go check it out you'll love it

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Was doing this cool challenge my roommate came up with where we picked each other's colors and had to only use those. Plus I never draw bikes

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Another old sketch. Its be cool to do a whole line of sexy speed racers

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Biker girl sketch. Done using a limited color palette, its only like 4 colors here. But used in a method that looks like more.

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Super fun commission from last year aswell. Honestly just gonna post some work from last year here know Twitter so guys see what you've been missing

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This was one of my favorite pieces from last year

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That alt Rouge Background. Sega wasn't playing games with this design

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