

Poe/history blogger. Tweeter of damn fool nonsense. Enlightened on the subject of Goatology. Crazy Cat Lady. Grouch. Abandon hope, all ye who follow here.

フォロー数:6095 フォロワー数:18265

Happy Twitter! [Puss in Boots, Gustave Dore]

34 112

Today's Vintage Ad With Bizarrely Out-Of-Place Cats shows why your candy has cat fur in it.

57 139

The Victorian children's book motto: Come for the flower-picking, stay for the bonfires!

92 280

Vintage feminism used to sell canned goods.

Don't ask me why, but I love it. (via )

41 67

Today's Vintage Ad With Bizarrely Out-Of-Place Cats gives us Milk For Strength!

7 22

What do you need most for New Year's Eve?

Yes, of course. Drunken pigs. And clowns.

29 44

I can't think of a better way to wish you all "Merry Christmas" than by bringing out the smirking root vegetables.

85 147

Deacon Brodie: the Scottish rogue who possibly inspired a classic novel.


5 15

Because ladies love Krampus.

30 51