

Poe/history blogger. Tweeter of damn fool nonsense. Enlightened on the subject of Goatology. Crazy Cat Lady. Grouch. Abandon hope, all ye who follow here.

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Today’s Vintage Ad With Unexpected Cats.

Raise your hand if you remember subscribing to TV Guide. Bonus points if you remember when you needed TV Guide because VCRs hadn’t been invented yet, so if you missed a show, tough luck.

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It's (François-Xavier Fabre, Oedipus and the Sphinx)

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My favorite food safety tip: Never eat blackberries after Michaelmas (September 29) because on that night the Devil urinates on them all. (When St. Michael expelled the Devil from heaven, he landed in a blackberry bush. He's carried the grudge ever since.)

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Today's Vintage Ad With Unexpected Cats.

I don't think mixing "cats" and "bird stores" is a good idea. It could get brutal.

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Today’s Vintage Ad With Unexpected Cats.

The “Chessie” ads are something of a classic, but it is a bit spooky that we never saw her awake.

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Today's Vintage Ad With Unexpected Cats.

You don't see too many organ-grinders in these. Possibly that's just as well.

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Today's Vintage Ad With Unexpected Cats.

Judging by the crowd, that must've been one fascinating sewing machine.

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Today's Vintage Ad With Unexpected Cats is about to learn what happens when you mix kittens and silk hosiery.

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It's GREAT to be alive!

Right until the moment when a truck smashes you like a bug!

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