

Live in Michigan. Love to do artwork and look at the artwork of others. Love horror and sci-fi.

フォロー数:701 フォロワー数:833

Day 6 - by
Über den Wolken / in the sky

Mr Bear enjoyed watching Top Gun at the cinema so much that it inspired him to fly high in the sky. Such a brave little bear!

5 33

Day 3 - by
In den bergen / in the mountains

Next up, Mr Bear is on to some some mountain climbing. There's nothing like breathing the crisp air on top of the world!

4 40

Day 2 - kino/ cinema

On the first leg of his trip, Mr Bear stops at the cinema to watch a film. Mr Bear prefers scary movies, but he heard Top Gun was pretty good, so that's what he watched.

4 30

Day 1 - koffer packen/packing baggage.

Mr Bear has his baggage packed and is ready for his exciting trip.

7 67

Completely forgot what day it is, so pulling one from the archive.

7 51

Animal Breeds... of DOOM. E is for the Evil Electrified English Lop from the Ethereal Plane.

6 50

Art Challenge Day 5
Thank you and for the nomination!
I will try to post my Art every day for 10 days
The goal is to promote positivity, camaraderie and the love of Art!
Today I nominate (no pressure)

2 34

Animal Breeds... of DOOM. C is for Cursed Crested Duck Corpse from the Crypt.

This is possibly one of the most ridiculous things I've ever created. 😆

6 51

by No. 64 shoppen/shopping

Gloork was really starting to hate shopping. The price of meat was so high, it hardly made it worth flying half-way across the galaxy for it.

3 26

Ok, bonus Digital drawing while sitting on my deck. Also further evidence as to why I don't draw digitally. 😅

2 7