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Day 6 - #plushiesontour by @MyMicrostories
Über den Wolken / in the sky
Mr Bear enjoyed watching Top Gun at the cinema so much that it inspired him to fly high in the sky. Such a brave little bear!
Day 3 - #plushiesontour by @MyMicrostories
In den bergen / in the mountains
Next up, Mr Bear is on to some some mountain climbing. There's nothing like breathing the crisp air on top of the world!
#PlushiesOnTour by @MyMicrostories
Day 2 - kino/ cinema
On the first leg of his trip, Mr Bear stops at the cinema to watch a film. Mr Bear prefers scary movies, but he heard Top Gun was pretty good, so that's what he watched.
#PlushiesOnTour by @MyMicrostories
Day 1 - koffer packen/packing baggage.
Mr Bear has his baggage packed and is ready for his exciting trip.
Completely forgot what day it is, so pulling one from the archive.
Animal Breeds... of DOOM. E is for the Evil Electrified English Lop from the Ethereal Plane.
Art Challenge Day 5
Thank you @Vinkelmule and @HeystekJ for the nomination!
I will try to post my Art every day for 10 days
The goal is to promote positivity, camaraderie and the love of Art!
Today I nominate @DrGarethMorgan #kleinekunstklasse (no pressure)
Animal Breeds... of DOOM. C is for Cursed Crested Duck Corpse from the Crypt.
This is possibly one of the most ridiculous things I've ever created. 😆
#monstererfinden by @DatFloecky No. 64 shoppen/shopping
Gloork was really starting to hate shopping. The price of meat was so high, it hardly made it worth flying half-way across the galaxy for it.
@DatFloecky Ok, bonus #monstererfinden. Digital drawing while sitting on my deck. Also further evidence as to why I don't draw digitally. 😅