

Am badger-squirrel. ⓐ³gorist, incipit liberatio in domo, Spooner was right #ShallNotBeInfringed #UnderNoPretext #AntipedoAction

フォロー数:268 フォロワー数:295

This is where I fix the mistake I made. Try wrapping your arms around your back. If you go as far as Rika here, you'll find you're straining your shoulders to read your hand that far. You hands would rest closer to the center of your back. But here you add your basic lines!

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Off the stick figure, you can add shapes to build up the body. Remember to reference anatomy (I made a mistake, I'll explain when I fix it) and then adjust it from there: learn the rules to break the rules.

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You always have to think of where the feet are, even if you don't include them, and then work things from there. This simple stick figure idea is a good way to get a representation of pose, with a through line to the base and everything centered around that.

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what we can see of the head would end up a very strange shape, the neck being a triangle doesn't work with human anatomy either. You could break down to have a triangle at the bad of the neck, but the neck is more of a tube. The second part is pose. Your pose is too stiff & flat.

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Okay, I finished breakfast and went into CSP... so! First off, form. We can break all drawings down into basic shapes and compare them to anatomy. Anime isn't a realistic style, but it does have basis in real anatomy. The head and neck are the biggest issues with this.

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This character from the Cyberpunk anime.

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A loli is an anime character that is "moe". Like these.

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