

The IET Library and Archives is a world-class collection of digital and printed resources on all areas of engineering and technology.

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Sir John Ross was a polar explorer and naval officer who wrote this on his voyages to the arctic regions, published in 1835. He describes the Northern Lights and the people and animals he encountered.

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Today is Day, celebrating and In this from 1867 you can see the Great Eastern ship picking up the Atlantic Cable and an electric telegraph office in Charing Cross.

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It's night! In this from 1823 J. Badcock wrote about "winter amusements" including card tricks and making

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It's and this "The New World of Words" is the first folio size English dictionary. This edition was published in 1678

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1901 the first Royal Navy submarine launched from This from 1866 describes the laying of the Atlantic Cable, a submarine cable, that began operation in August 1858, but failed a month later and it took six years for a new cable to be laid.

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have always had a close relationship with from harnessing its energy, creating a clean supply, travelling upon it or over it & drainage of it. Water is essential for life to exist but also the management and utilisation of it. Happy

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Today is and in recognition of this here are some images of how engineers work with water to provide us with energy, drainage and a clean supply. Town supply 1864, Drainage of the Fens 1862, artisan waterwheel 1948 Peshawar, Aqueduct by Vitruvius 1511.

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1979 cover courtesy of Energy Networks Association – Brighton & Hove Engineerium: the 1876 Eastons & Anderson No.2 beam engine

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Chaucer is well known for his fictional works but did you know he also wrote scientific treatises? This is a page from a manuscript dated 1391 on the Astrolabe, written in Middle English rather than Latin. Find out more at

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Did you know members can access an amazing virtual library containing 1000s of e-books and e-journals 24/7?

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