Jem Andrea Gibbon (find me on bsky)さんのプロフィール画像

Jem Andrea Gibbon (find me on bsky)さんのイラストまとめ

Hello! I run along with my pal @MiloScat, where we focus on the arcade-inspired side of Donkey Kong and other related topics :)

フォロー数:272 フォロワー数:434

see also: someone who underwent something of the same procedure that turned the main female lead into what she is but has a better handle on her powers and can do it moreso

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the main conceit is a city for beast men billed as a utopia but really it's being used for even shadier medical research headed by someone who's secretly from some dynasty of super beastmen even moreso than the others

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there's a shady pharma company working on studying beast people dna and our two main points of contact are two researchers, one who transforms into a chameleon and one gets manipulated into turning into a big blue beetle monster and loses himself to madness

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and the main male lead, a gruff older brother type wolf beastman named Ogami who acts as something of an advisory/leadership/cop role, none of which is official

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Meet our young female main character a half human / half beastperson due to scientific fuckery who is stuck in a half-transformed state and has some crazy beast powers that not even other beastpeoples can use

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Then there's a handful of standalones that don't really fit into the other categories that are still fun little reinterpretations of things (shoutouts to the GBC one having like an overworld map and characters and stuff lol)

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C) the Sierra continuity starring Jake Peril vs the Mad Monks that's been the most prolific, probably because you don't need to ask Konami's permission for the Bomberman enemies (incidentally I LOVE Lode Runner 3D and wish it starred the Hudson version)

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Also, one final thing lol. While you're collecting, you might be interested in RoboWarrior (Bomber King in Japan), which predates Blaster Master by a year, but from which BM borrowed gameplay, enemies, bosses, & even its sequel lol (Blaster Master Boy is Bomber King 2 in Japan)

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We've come a long way since May 2015. Hard to believe from now has 3 wonderful games out, some amazing crossover, and more to come I'm sure!

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Was talking with about 2nd outings in long running series that were wildly different from the 1st and how they deserve recognition and love. Games mentioned were SMB2, Castlevania 2, and Zelda 2, but I'm sure there's many more! Help me give some shoutouts :3

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