

Aspiring Artist - 3D modeler & noobie sculptor

フォロー数:150 フォロワー数:402

Took awhile, but as promised here's more!
Main improvements include

- fake SSS
- normal map edits(WIP)
- metal/specular edits(WIP)
- rim lighting edits
- improved diffuse lighting

Falco was the latest, so here's comparison of old to new. Both have the exact same lighting/scene

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Been pretty busy, still am. Should be a lot more productive going into next year

Won't be much but i'll have some stuff i'll be showing dis month. Here's some HD Bird for now

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Updated Ultimate Zelda!

Colors look less washed out, reacts better to lighting, has better reflective/specular settings, improved detailing, and more. Still need to work on the skin shader/material. Alt colors in thread.

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Here's Ultimate Snake! Alt colors in thread

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