Ibrahim S. Aminさんのプロフィール画像

Ibrahim S. Aminさんのイラストまとめ

Writer, blasphemer, drinker of scotch. If I'm here, I'm probably procrastinating.

フォロー数:169 フォロワー数:6678

2015 was my apostasy year too. Charlie Hebdo wasn't the trigger, but did make the release of Jihad Squad around that time feel like an act of defiance (I wrote the script many years earlier, but finally published the book in Jan 2015). Also, it's why the artist(s) are anonymous.

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There's a Ganesh statue on the cover did for Gorgon Street Girls (a donner-punk* novella I wrote and he illustrated) -- since it's a setting where people worship gods and goddesses from all the various polytheistic pantheons.

* Cyberpunk, but with more kebabs.

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Ah! A fancy monocle. Just like the walrus I use as the logo on my self-pubs.

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I've always quite liked the name "Vespasian". Hence I called a boss in Suns "Fabricatrix Vespasia".

(Yes, her costume's kind of questionable. I had to work around the art assets we got, so I just signposted it in the story text -- IIRC, the game's TV Tropes page mentions that.)

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"Apocolocyntosis" is both fun to read and fun to say.

Side note: I worked the term into Dawn of the Dragons and Clash of the Dragons, for example in the pictured "Apocolocyntosised Demon". https://t.co/A9ETAonVxJ

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My experience with Scrivener's limited, but Gliffy's good for flowcharts, if you want something digital and are happy doing it by hand (example below from my interactive novel project). Been a while since I used Twine, but that gives you a flowchart overview with some automation.

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Thanks! Hmm... Let me see what festive art I have to hand...

So, this series isn't quite seasonally appropriate, but it's from a fantasy game I worked on. An elven bard puts on a concert for the winter festival, and wakes up (and thus enrages) a vampire. But it all works out.

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Same here. Let me balance that out with some of the art friends have done for me over the years.

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I don't have Oscar Isaac to hand, but hopefully some art will improve the aesthetics of your day. Let me just dig through the folders I keep of things my artist buddies have drawn for me...

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