

34 years old, she/her, demigirl, artist, shitposter, ferret, digidestined, self proclaimed #1 sienna fangirl

pfpcred: Smatterbrain+InkeFall
banrcred: chicostyx

フォロー数:1356 フォロワー数:584

brightwitchmon icon for halloween

12 12


I already made the me and my children joke now.

2 6

me but in among us, but ferrets don’t translate to bean form very well do they…

9 18

Me and my children about to murder you and get away with it.

9 21

zoryamon(ruzumon's mega) in color and ???

2 3

day 5

Deedee likes doing art stuff with me. She paints with her tail~

5 6

day 4

i used to have an orange D3, but i lost it. the powers that be replaced it with an app on my phone. i miss my d3 tho.

5 10