

34 years old, she/her, demigirl, artist, shitposter, ferret, digidestined, self proclaimed #1 sienna fangirl

pfpcred: Smatterbrain+InkeFall
banrcred: chicostyx

フォロー数:1356 フォロワー数:584

artfight part 2

tardybird dragoonfliy

4 6

day 3
The outfit has changed over the years, but I've always liked sportier fashion.

4 11

day 2

I didn't really understand this Digimon thing at first. I didn't even give her a nickname until later on. One day I was on a bird kick and 'Chickadee' just stuck. She grew larger, evolving to Kyaromon then Kudamon, and it became trickier to hide her...

5 9

The egg came home with me after the vacation. I passed it off as a souvenir to my parents easily enough. I forgot how long I kept it before it hatched, but it was in the evening, when I was alone with it in my room. I didn't think it was actually a real egg, so that was a shock!

5 6

day 1
When I was 11 my family and I were on a beach vacation. One gloomy day I snuck out of the condo to watch the waves, and I found a football-sized egg with odd marking on it. I felt compelled to take it back with me...

3 8

thread: bits about me and my noodley pal

14 27

the partnermon, she goes by Dee Dee for short and she is a living jazz solo cup

14 23

i don't know which is which haha i feel like everything ive done in the last two years looks like subpar unfinished detritus

anyway i'm iggy and i'm still that gal with the ferret obsession SOMEDAY i'll feel better and break artblock

10 15

o i don't know why (but i do know why) i didnt post this on here but it's 's demon moira but weaselfied. my apologies.

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