


invertebrates are perfect cant change my mind
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A small creature with a meter long wingspan, its wings are made from a skin membrane connecting to a finger, it was covered in fuzz

ALT: As the first pterosaur discovered its affinities where unknown, this being one of the first showing a skin membrane to fly

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A 8 cm long cyathaspid fish covered in different shells of aspidin and with a large solid shell on top, tons of species are known with an incomplete list counting 9

ALT: the original name given to the genus, it had to be changed as a lizard already had that name

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A really odd 4 meter long proboscidean easily recognized by its odd shovel like lower jaw, likely used to cut branches and strip bark from trees to feed

ALT: it was originally believed to live in swampy areas, using it teeth to shovel for aquatic vegetation

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A 6 meter long stegosaurid with the longest neck in the family, it had even more vertebrae than some sauropods, its known from 2 specimens

ALT: in its original reconstruction it was believed to have shoulder spikes, which later turned out to be part of the tail spikes

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A 2 meter long 4 fish related to chimaeras, due to its large eyes its believed it might have lived in deep and dark areas of the sea

ALT: Its related to falcatus and stethacanthus, both of which have display structures, some think males might have looked similar

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i luv em
they remind me of this boie i made but with cerastes as first form and cerberus mixed into the last

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A rare trilobite, its recognized by the leaf-like segments of the pygidium (tail), and the sideways growing spikes on its head

ALT: The genus actually survived two geologic periods, its found in both silurian and ordovician formations of two different continents

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A large 6.5 meter long theropod, its easily recognized by the crest on its skull, its mix of primitive and derived trait has made classifying it difficult

ALT: many have compared its unique crest to a pompadour hairstyle, which earned it the nickname elvisaurus

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