


invertebrates are perfect cant change my mind
hey wanna see something funny? tumblr.com/impulseimpact

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# slona

blame for allowing me to create this monstrosity... er...

12 92


A large shark like eugenodont, known mainly by its "tooth-whorls", these might have evolved as a way of getting rid of the sell of its prey

ALT: as it was originally only known by its tooth worlds there where a lot of weird speculative reconstructions made around it

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man, thats like obscenely casual for an apocalypse

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A large relative of modern rhinoceros although belonging to a different group, its known for its single large horn on top of its head

ALT: a common nickname for the animal, it likely lived alongside humans but its unlikely to have started the myth of unicorns

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A 7 meter long theropod possibly related to dilophosaurus, little of it is known as only skull fragments have been found

ALT: A fossil of what was believed to be syntarsus was reassigned to dracovenator as a juvenile specimen, the specimen is also a partial skull

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lyssandre is the only decent looking one because the eye piercing red-orange is the accent not the main color, and then you have both how underdeveloped he is and the literal mane that is based on a lion pokemon

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idk, i feel like hey could have done a better job with the whole fashion idea, the silly hair and baby face look clashes with the whole idea that they are quite literally meant to be nazis
only the professor looks the part and he is the least "fashion" based one

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A small crustacean known for its very large compound eyes, its 6 clawed appendages where likely used to catch food

ALT: Its believed that their hunting strategy was to hide their appendages under their shell, then when it was close enough they would catch it

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A small centimeter long ashaphid, while the shell might make yo think that it had 2 large eyes its actually blind

ALT: Some believe that the small pits at the front of the shell had a sensory function, however there isnt enough evidence to support the idea

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