


invertebrates are perfect cant change my mind
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フォロー数:647 フォロワー数:1419


A small rhamphorhynchoid with a 120 cm wingspan, like other members of its family it had an elongated tail, but his was more flexible

ALT: its been suggested to be a synonym of Eudimorphodon due to its similarities, but it would at least be a new species then

9 50


A large 3 meter rhinoceros-like creature, its actually more closely related to elephants, they are easily recognized by the pair of horns on its skull

ALT: its named after the Egyptian queen Arsinoe I, who was exiled for charges of trying to assassinate his king

9 45

plot twist, his roommate is drapion

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A 2 meter long troodontid known from a fragmentary skeleton, its name is both in reference to the giant automaton of greek mythology and a pun on talon

ALT: The holotype had a damaged sickle claw, it was likely broken while it was hunting for or attacking prey

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An odd and small 1.5 cm long arthropod known for its surprisingly large and spherical glabella (frontal head segment)

ALT: while the glabella is usually the way to tell it apart there are other genera that have this too and have been confused with it

7 39

i tried my best but they gave me the wrong dna :,v

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A small fish known for its odd head shield, unlike its relatives it didn't have its nasal openings on top of the shield

ALT: Its named after a stimulant (or drug) named pituri, in reference to the odd shape of the creature confusing the paleontologist that named it

5 25

a bit more straight up than usual i just didnt have much time :,v

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