


invertebrates are perfect cant change my mind
hey wanna see something funny? tumblr.com/impulseimpact

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A jellyfish that grew to 2 cm of diameter, its named after the number of tentacles it has, its rare that this type of animal gets preserved at all

ALT: depending on preservation, 8 tentacles, an irregular edge and even a mouth opening might be marked on the fossil

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is that challenge?
fr tho, you reminded me of this thing i made last year i think?

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today for other art day a bunch of sea boies i drew in 2017

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A small eurypterid with spiny arms, its close relatives are sweep feeders, but as its arms arent suitable for this it was a scavenger

ALT: some of the most basal hibbertopterids share characteristics with kokomopterids, even tho they belong to different families

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this boi isnt really part of the other series of boies i shared, but he is really similar so i might as well use him to bring other art day back

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The longest azhdarchid found, it was originally believed to be a new species of quetzalcoatlus, but turned out a new genus

ALT: the current species name is "boreas" northern wind, it was originally going to be named "viserion" after a dragon from game of thrones

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i got so wrapped up finishing something that its literally the next day...
on top of that this was the last day of the boies since these are the last 4 i made, im so sorry, i entirely forgot about this

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Known as a giant beaver for being exactly that, it reached sizes close to 2 meters, it was also adapted to spend a long time under water

ALT: unlike modern beavers its tail was not paddle like, and it likely didnt build dams or have any of the more complex behavior

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hope youve been enjoying the boies, had been a while since i had looked at em myself

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