


invertebrates are perfect cant change my mind
hey wanna see something funny? tumblr.com/impulseimpact

フォロー数:623 フォロワー数:1379

sorry for todays boies being specially late, got stuck doing something

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time for todays bunch, a lot of blue here

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so day 2 with more oddboies, i legit had forgotten most of these

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so to start getting rid of some old work ive wanted to show of a (scraped) idea i had for some sort of series, im gonna post a few of em daily trough the week, so its gonna be like other art week until i forget literally tomorrow and it has to be extended an extra day
hope u liek

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Yi Qi

An arboreal animal found with a skin membrane like those of bats, scansoriopterygids have been known for a long time but none found with the membrane preserved before

ALT: One of its reconstructions proposes an extended membrane for flight, but more evidence is needed

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on the bright side i have seen a lot of people experiment so you dont have to just base a cartoony dinosaur on tripodal reconstructions for example
not that theres anything wrong with that, and those designs still look good, but you know, its better when theres more options

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do yall like prehistoric animals? i do, a lot, so i draw a lot of em and post them daily
admittedly im not even nearly close to the level of quality of the other artists in this tag but i hope you like em

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Commonly known as "saber toothed tiger" for its extremely long upper canines, these where specialized for piercing in specific places of its prey

AlT: it was specialized for hunting large prey with its robust body and forelimbs, their disappearance meant its extinction

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yall like random stuff? i like doing random stuff from time to time, so heres a few random boies for other art day

(fun fact: you can hide your lack of organization, prioritizing and responsibility by calling it random)

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