

Nice head, I think I'll take it.

フォロー数:1164 フォロワー数:156

Dual wielding pistols needs to be more common with mecha.

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Skyward Sword Zelda

Best hairstyle! There may be Zeldas who are cuter or sexier, but the minute she was revealed she just clicked with me on a primal level.

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Saber Alter Shinjuku Version

Saber is great as is, but give her pale skin, corrupted eyes, and sexy modern clothing and she's even better!

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Shoutout to the fact that Mysterious Heroine X Alter was one of my primary reasons for playing FGO, and she was my second 5 star.

(Poor Karna, who was first, I've STILL not maxed out because a month later I got Enkidu).

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My tastes lean a bit different!

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There are two types of people in this world.

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It was basically this.

1 2

Mechagodzilla is unexpected. As soon as they hinted at Burning a few days back I figures it was gonna be paired with Destroyer.

Mechagodzilla coming with Garuda and not having that be separate is nice, though man, that's gonna shoot up the price!

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