

Fan account, I also draw a lo

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Here is the illustration I made of a scene from an amazing fic by 😄❤️ Please check their tumblr @/idazzle
It was so fun to work on this!

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Day 6, business
Working at the bakery can be tiring, but thankfully Tae has a way to recharge

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Day 4, Navigation
This topic reminded me of a scene from 's fic Tell me again. It is one of my favorite fics ever😭❤️

Here's a link to this fic :

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Close up of Yoongs

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Day 1, a scene from Up We Go by @/oh_hey_tae

I love this fic so much, here is the link if anyone wants to read

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Here's a little teaser of one artwork I'm really excited to share for

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First post! Hi I'm Ira, I'm 20 and I draw people or places I love! Here's Namjin, these airport looks were so cool🌫️😍

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