

Sound Design | JJBA | RGG | Dreamcast | Y2K | Rhythm Games | Cool Jackets | Youtube: JJBASoundDesign


PFP: @Pseudochel
Banner: @BalladDisco…

フォロー数:100 フォロワー数:21417

rohan's first outfit color palette on other outfits is both cool and mildly surreal

52 435

I was optimistic and thought "hey, maybe I can make my own color reference model" but then I realized how much of a pain it is. I got this far before I gave up because it was tedious and hard to make out certain lines

11 179

allow me to provide a sacrifice for your ritual...that is to say, the sacrifice is YOU

0 6

jojo's big honkin' nose adventure

20 335

Goku's one handed kamehameha has as a different sound effect in the english release for some reason, interesting

5 80

Nikki is the first Dr. Stone female character that doesn't have GIGANTIC anime eyes and I appreciate that. Not that those are bad, it's just refreshing and she looks more in-style imo

28 345

yo this ones pretty good, lookin' forward to the next one!

0 7

random but that yasuke dude was also in Nioh and he was pretty sick

0 10