JaV ♥ Vgen commission open/接受委託哦 (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧さんのプロフィール画像

JaV ♥ Vgen commission open/接受委託哦 (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧さんのイラストまとめ

Hi, this is JaV. I'm a full-time commission artist/streamer. Feel free to comment~

フォロー数:971 フォロワー数:1301

Thank you everyone sharing your thoughts and ideas for improving Bani's design (๑•́ ∀ •̀๑) now the rough shape is done and we got 2 'winner'! i think i will keep both results and finalize it with proper detail drawing
d(`・∀・)b thanks again for all the love and supports!

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Also Bani drawing~ehe(。A。)

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女兒有新圖啦~朋友的主題是花(゚∀。)我能力有限就加兩朵花給粑妮裝可愛罷了(๑•́ ∀ •̀๑)
Girl girl new drawing~friend's theme is flower(。A。) all I can do is just give her 2 flowers to act cute (人´∀`*)

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Tomorrow (Monday) no stream... ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )

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30/12/2020 > 13/07/2021

(自我鼓勵一下(゚∀。) 第一張畫給朋友的,也是第一張重畫的d(`・∀・)b ...嗯~越畫越瘦了(。A。)

(self encourage a bit (゚∀。) 1st drawing gift for a friend also the 1st redraw d(`・∀・)b ...okay~getting skinnier the more i draw (。A。)

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