

Jabber. Verb. To talk in a rapid, excited, and often incomprehensible way: "he jabbered on about Warhammer"

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drew up some awesome art of my Khorne Doombull conversion. Love how gruesome and evil this guy turned out.

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If I can’t use him with my Fyreslayers, the book of grudges will be opened.

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First blog post in some time on speedy tourney play. Inspired by Blood and Glory https://t.co/nRlC4smuHz

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Currently getting a version of this tattooed on to my forearm

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Blog post on Reinforcements and summoning in Matched Play. https://t.co/nNl7CBWhMq

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Long blog post with my thoughts on Matched Play and list building. https://t.co/QNvtiAgiuM

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New blog post up on using and defeating synergies in https://t.co/uApqBoARU3

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The Generals Handbook will be soft back and £15

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