Jacob Blackmon Draws Things!さんのプロフィール画像

Jacob Blackmon Draws Things!さんのイラストまとめ


フォロー数:402 フォロワー数:419



Some I have drawn of , a V-tuber I recently discovered who is rather fun and delightful with her character interactions.
My Gallery: https://t.co/aUbhIEdrKM
My Patreon: https://t.co/mJuG1aJSgx

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Orcus, the classic demon lord of the Underworld, commissioned by Ryan Thompson for his Demonology supplement.


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Some PC I finished today. One is a Japanese Street samurai for a game. The second is a sexy lizardfolk monk for a fantasy campaign.

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Inspired by the recent trailer, I have drawn a deadite!
This piece will be available as stock art.

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Commissioned by Ross Watson, this is (RIP) as the Advanced Primate Evolutionary (A.P.E.). And, if you want to use this character in your Prowlers & Paragons campaign, here is a link.
All proceeds go to Darren's family.


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My first piece of for 2023 is a jackalope!

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Okay, Horror Movies,
ENOUGH with the musical stings!
Let things be scary on their own! We don't need a sudden sharp -- and often way-too-loud -- noise telling us we're supposed to be scared of something.
We're already watching a horror movie! We know we're supposed to be scared!

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