

Just here to ramble about things I love — mainly Re:Zero | avi with permission by @re0_ao

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I love these last pages for the way they embody AoT's thesis of "the world is a merciless but beautiful place", with the beauty in the tree & the mercilessness in war. But humanity manages to end it and live on every time. There's no difference that can't eventually be overcome.

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I love them so much.

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The poster is so pretty it’s GOTTA be good!

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Travelling Cat Chronicles

This is up there with Zaregoto 2 as maybe my favorite new book this year. Genuinely beautiful experience that had me weeping by the end— which is a first for books I think? Anyway, I'll carry this tale of unconditional love & kindness w/ me for a while.

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Log Horizon

This is a light snack of a show but it is entertaining enough, if not purely for its interest in the mechanics of a MMORPG-type isekai. Some characters are fun but god I could not stand a couple of them...

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Overlord is back and they’re all as cute as I remember them AAAHHH I LOVE THIS SHOW

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The lore in the Dawn of the Jedi comics is pretty great (a story set chronologically 25,000+ years before the movies is INSANE) and I really like how it explains things like how technology in the Star Wars universe seems vaguely uniform across cultures and species.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender S3

All good things must come to an end 🥲 the final 4-parter was so beautifully done. The characters' stories all wrapped up nicely (although I still have lots of questions!!) and I can say ATLA deserves its place as one of the best kids' TV ever made.

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Zaregoto: Strangulation

I was glued to this book even more than the last. Ii-chan's character is such a joy to read, and there were so many layers and elements about this that engrossed me... I'm pretty excited to reread it one day.

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Black Lagoon

I had fun with it! Not particularly invested in the characters or narrative, however some arcs are really good and I really like the tone the show sets for itself. Roberta is great.

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