

Just here to ramble about things I love — mainly Re:Zero | avi with permission by @re0_ao

フォロー数:403 フォロワー数:4691

time to dust off the ol Yui avi

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Got an AI to generate art for the Great Rabbit and received pure nightmare fuel!

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I know it’s an unpopular episode among General Grievous fans but looking back I think Lair of Grievous is some of his best depiction in TCW.

Just wanted to write a bit about one of my favorite Star Wars: The Clone Wars episodes.

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Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell

Duuuuude the atmosphere in this rocked. Besides that though there's not much else that's really memorable in this novella 😭

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White Sand

I'm sorry I literally did not care for much of this one save for the concept of Ais's character (which was explored just barely decently but still not enough). Sorry Mr Sanderson!

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You can make out the outline of one of the pupae, aaaalmost there :)

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Mistborn: The Final Empire

Definitely an improvement over the first Cosmere work, although Brandon Sanderson's little surprise twists leave a lot to be desired still. Kelsier was one of his best characters yet and the overall cast is a step up from Elantris.

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why stop yourself?

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Man the anime community would go CRAZY once she gets animated, too

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