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Another batch of AkiAki deity sketches - the 1st as they might appear in reality, the rest as how the AkiAki might interpret them in their art and as effigies. From Art Of Star Wars book by @PhilSzostak #StarWars #TheRiseOfSkywalker #conceptart
Like Boxing Day to Christmas Day, #porgfolioday follows hot on the heels of #portfolioday. Here are a few of my #porg design sketches from TLJ. If you've got any Porg art then share it here - I'd love to see them.
#starwars #thelastjedi #creaturedesign
A few of my #conceptart pics for #SoloAStarWarsStory. With Han meeting Chewie for the first time on Mimban, these explore the idea of Wookies having been conscripted to fight in the Imperial army as Mudtrooper grunts. Basically a cool excuse to mash up #stormtroopers and #Wookies
Another hide the performer idea - this was a concept for an agricultural droid on #RogueOne. The performer would have to walk backwards wearing a huge lightweight droid shaped back-pack with his/her head hidden in a double-skinned tank of liquid fertiliser. Smoke. And. Mirrors.
I was always quite fond of this little fella I designed for The Last Jedi - the Troglof croupier Thamm. Apparently Troglofs give off a pleasing scent that makes the punters feel lucky. There you go.
#StarWars #conceptdesign #thelastjedi #creaturedesign
A few more old K-2SO concept sketches from #RogueOne
#starwars #conceptart #droids
Rogue One trending...I'll dig these out. Some old concepts for Vader, K2SO, Pao (one my favourite character designs) and Baze & Chirrut
#StarWars #RogueOne #conceptart
Although I was generally designing creatures on Star Wars, I also got to come up with some ideas for Rey's Speeder. My final design followed by some earlier sketches plus a space shuttle easter-egg. As its Easter... #conceptdesign #starwars #speeder #spaceshuttle #easteregg
Character design for a project currently in the works. This week I’m going to be posting a few BTS time lapse clips on Instagram that look at the process in creating this sort of image - from initial pencil sketch to all the faffing about in Photoshop. https://t.co/yeejjBrWSF