bonus oc ships becuz theyre my pookie wookies

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Mewwy Wibbit Wednesday Yesterday 😁
Enjoy some wookies and hot twevow choco??? 😂

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There’s something out there and it ain’t no man. Next up in the Hunters series Black Kraastan vs the Predator. Who do you think wins?

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Wow these are going to look so lush together! I really love brown as a colour so much but when it comes to Wookies I really enjoy seeing a mix of palettes! I'll be watching this super closely!
I've always worked with GoblinBrainedArt on insta for Star Wars stuff! :) 💖

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Think of all the Wookies, those poor Wookies.

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See humans, if you were more like the Wookies you would be far more tolerable. So have a Happy Life Day and let the Force guide you.

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More like, Happy Enslave All The Wookies Day. All hail the Empire.

He's evil, ok?

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Oooh new book alert! have you been watching ? Do you know your ewoks from your wookies? Then this brilliant book from the wonderful author will be for you.

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MerMay Day 4: Star Wars
Yeesh, and you thought Wookies smelled bad before...

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Alright, I think I'm all set now for Star Wars Day. Sunset Shimmer: A Star Wars Story.

Have I forgotten anything? Oh, wait.

What about the Droid attack on the Wookies???

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notices your howwow
lwet's gwets a lwittwel wookies

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Increíble concepts Arts de del artista el cuál explora la idea de Wookies con armaduras Imperiales ya que fueron exclavizados por el Imperio. También podemos ver uno de cuando se conocen Han Y Chewie al principio de la cinta

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A few of my pics for With Han meeting Chewie for the first time on Mimban, these explore the idea of Wookies having been conscripted to fight in the Imperial army as Mudtrooper grunts. Basically a cool excuse to mash up and

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Revenge of the Sith (2005): Young Han Solo, art by Iain McCaig

Set to appear in an earlier draft, on Kashyyyk, among Wookies and Yoda, during the last days of the Clone Wars.

We will finally meet him a little older, six years later, in Solo (2018).

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Planeta: Kashyyyk

Está formado por árboles de tamaños gigantescos que son los hogares de los wookies (raza de Chewbacca).

Trafful (líder wookie) y Yoda lideraron la defensa en la Batalla de Kashyyyk y salieron victoriosos contra los separatistas.

Lugar importante en el Ep III.

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Han-Chewie (Wookies are basically pokemon)

Honourable mention: Ursaring

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