

2D / 3D: #gamedev #indiegamedev #digitalart #unity3d #blender #indiedev youtube.com/c/jayanam

フォロー数:8028 フォロワー数:8090

Get the project for the Head with : Ears are added now, all the other parts will follow:-)


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Challenge to sculpt with 2.92 without using a tablet - took me quite a while:-)

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Added some simple eyes and lids to the but still many things to fix - early stage of development but it's a sculpt for relaxation before going to bed:-)

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Quick head basemesh before going to bed - good night:-)

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Stylized Tree with 2.92 - it's so much fun:-) Sculpt and relaxe...

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Alright, now the Ear-Nose-Mouse has arms :-) is artistic freedom.

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Always start a strange before you go to bed but dont finish it... it will develop during your sleep:-)

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Bevel and booleans with 2.9 addon.

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E.g. this is a requirement... then you add a bool difference... then comes the next one... your modifier stack looks confusing more and more finally you apply... And then your boss comes around and wants a window:-)

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The issue is that when you add edge loops, they are not straight, not perpendicular to the wall beause they adjust to the edges at the corners. Now let's say you want to add a window for instance to the wall ...

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