🎀Frae's Fortunes🎀NEW ART HERE!さんのプロフィール画像

🎀Frae's Fortunes🎀NEW ART HERE!さんのイラストまとめ

Frances | she/her | Artist | mixed black | check pin
Contact: [email protected]
Portfolio: FortunaIllustration.com
Twitch: FraesFortunes

フォロー数:1995 フォロワー数:20572

It's been too long since curly Flayn. She's so cooooooool https://t.co/DEYSgYF2eC

29 185

the evolution of my lineless artstyle and how I draw this particular desert is cool to see!

(The very first piece is the very first fully lineless piece I ever did)

31 108

HEYYY I'm Frae, a mixed black and asian illustrator. I make a lot of vibrant stuff~💗

Be sure to support black artists this month!! Happy

444 993

Hi! I'm Frances, a Canadian illustrator. I'm looking for work for Background Paint or VisDev for animation, or video games! 💗

Concept Art as well~

📧 jellyfishfortuna.com
🎨 https://t.co/7VaZhbJnhC

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