🎀Frae's Fortunes🎀NEW ART HERE!さんのプロフィール画像

🎀Frae's Fortunes🎀NEW ART HERE!さんのイラストまとめ

Frances | she/her | Artist | mixed black | check pin
Contact: [email protected]
Portfolio: FortunaIllustration.com
Twitch: FraesFortunes

フォロー数:1995 フォロワー数:20572

More art in my Portfolio which is here https://t.co/7VaZhbrMq4
But yeppers, I do backgrounds!✨

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If you like supporting real artists who are probably not robots

I'm making a space western comic that looks like this art I drew. If you think my art's cool, here are ways you can stay updated, or help!
💖Patreon: https://t.co/G7z8U3iWib
💖Tips: https://t.co/qqLGyPeaPE

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I'm Frances. Looking for work in BG Paint/Background Paint for animation!


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i do find it funny how Levia is always the one I'm drawing when my environment skills improve lol

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-and lastly, I've been working on a project for a long time, it will combine so much of what I love, as well as my art.

So retro sci fi lovers and lovers of groovy theoretical physics, please look forward to it~

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HAPPY PRIDE MONTH~! Meet the artist🎉

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