

Painter Acrylic on Canvas | Digital Painter | NFT Chibi lover | Commercial Art applications | IRL Art | Jezli Pacheco - a human

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Hi! Was just listening to the recording of the space you participated by - I’d love to talk w/ you about artists you need to pair up.

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Spent some time working on my website update, looks nice. Now I'm working out the merch details on there. will have posters, stickers, apparel and notebooks for sale to start. IP Available

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GM! Crazy beautiful world🤟🏽! Love the smell of in the morning. Lol. I’m hopping to a quick Zoom chat & brb like to be present & accounted for.

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I don't do religion, gave that up, I praise kindness instead. Wish we practiced kindness more often. starts inside.

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I’ll quietly lurk in the shadows of greats letting my roots grow deep enough & spread my branches far enough that I can help someone else. Be the cover for those trailing behind.

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25 yrs of accts mgmt, outside sales, doing demos, helping finance pips, doing follow ups, doing conferences: I decided 2 pivot 2 & do the same 🤷🏽‍♀️😅😂 utility? Chill Time, Scavenger Art hunts, POAPs, activities package, Commercial Right

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I’m on a mission to spread good will & promote changes in life where peers learn to Chill & avoid being in the ❤️failure demographic. Call me Chilly Willy 😂🐧

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Me Aug. 2021 on NFTs: I don't know much, but what I know I share because I'd rather be confused together 🤣
Me today: I've lived breathed the subject all this time and I still don't know much but willing to share an educated guess 😅🤣😂 - Still learning.

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Today is going to be "Make someone's portrait day" (I just invented that it's not really but it is now) 😁 I've got ideas! 1st nfteegal mural looking for sites

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It's important to invest time wisely. Spend it doing things that enrich ur mind & spirit. Happiness is not an illusion when you're in the now. - The rest will sort itself out. NFTeeGals has an open discord join to ask me questions.

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