Is it bad that I ❤️ my own Tweets? 😁 Someone needs to get the hype started. 😇🤣😂

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Just had a 42 minute recruiting phone call. 🤓😳😳 That gives me hope that a great work opportunity may be lining up. guess what? another interview in 30 minutes -lol lg!

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Making time for all the things I have planned and need to do, and If more of us took the time to prepare our minds for the day: we'd get more done. LG

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1/1 THREAD (6) - I'm (WE ALL are) layered. I have different interests and it shows in what I create. All these images are B/W but also created an enormous colorful collection. Why? Because layers!

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The best advice about posts after an incident? How angry are you? 🤣😂 JS think about it 1ST. Anywho, I have an OMG I farted story I could tell. (that might be a TMI Post to possibly rethink & then DO share 🤔 🤣 )

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I'm not looking for just community: I'm looking for meaningful connections, conversations & lasting change.

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What happens when you listen? You Learn. There's a difference b'tween hearin things & actively listening. If ur not processing the information what's the point of hearing about it? is participating w/ strong individuals actually out doing good.

2 10

So these tweets are to show you WHY having is worth ur time.
1. pics that can b used commercially. prints? stickers? clothes? notebooks?
2. Buy in helps fund art practices by Women.
3. Buy in helps to setup a biz network 4 Hodlers perks

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🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 true that! When it comes to & time invested? I'm commiserating the late nights & stress that actual parents suffer.

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When I think of my project or should I say our project? (So excited I have collaborators.) When I think my vision is they’re a access door. They’re opening access for me & other female artists IRL & in 4 the pivot!

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⛈ Are you also a ❤️ of art & looking for unknown new experiences? Imagine a Road Trip? Scavenger hunt? Take a check list of mural art to see round the country? Your would give you exclusive roadmap? It’s about the vibe check! Bring to IRL 🧵7

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⛈ Initially I wanted to make murals. Now I want to hire more women muralists. Imagine going around the country finding these gems? The world? 🧵3

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⛈ When you invest in a collection for 💎Hodl what are the long term features that attract you the most? A year in I feel more comfy asking 😁 🧵2

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Made it a Sticker Tuesday. Had a bit of fun. Back to looking for a Now.

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Ok anyone else's hand itching? Mine is & it better mean money not an allergic reaction 🫠🤣😂. is to fund art by women. Buy the these & get commercial rights to them & invites to the events created. Phase 2 is Biz site discounts, POAPs + added airdrops 4u.

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Hi! Was just listening to the recording of the space you participated by - I’d love to talk w/ you about artists you need to pair up.

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Spent some time working on my website update, looks nice. Now I'm working out the merch details on there. will have posters, stickers, apparel and notebooks for sale to start. IP Available

2 9

GM! Crazy beautiful world🤟🏽! Love the smell of in the morning. Lol. I’m hopping to a quick Zoom chat & brb like to be present & accounted for.

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I don't do religion, gave that up, I praise kindness instead. Wish we practiced kindness more often. starts inside.

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