


フォロー数:439 フォロワー数:162

Need to head over to the powerplant! Route 9 and 10 are on the way so I picked up Specs the Noctowl and slowpoke killed Jigglypuff :o

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Will we see lasagna crustle this season?

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The gangs all here, my take on the evolutions for Sprigatito, Fuecoco and Quaxly!

Was fun to do this so I hope you liked these!

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Here is my attempt at a Quaxly evolution! As mentioned I like to keep things looking more like creatures so here is a big brido, hope you like it!

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And onwards to route 5 to get myself a slowpoke! Hello Tails :) this guy I will bring into my main team as... Slowbro hype

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First catch in Kanto - Punchy the Hitmonlee!

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Just a happy little bird

Working on something and will post later!

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Say hello to Gizmo! Let's hope this bug survives longer than Gary the Caterpie!

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