


フォロー数:439 フォロワー数:162

Omastar! Finally an evolved Pokémon, say hello to Snip

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Next off to route 37, after a random ass rattata almost took down Aita I killed it :o so that's a missed catch opportunity

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Right, been a while but time to get going again! Went off and got the squirt bottle to see what sudowoodo randomised into... Seel! A very odd tree indeed?

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The off to national park to clear trainers and catch Mickey the Mareep!

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Picked up a vulpix from route 35, Aita!

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Lasagna Crustle for unite!

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So a fair few more Pokémon added, here is a team update! The grated out are the poor deceased or those who were killed before they had the chance to join me.... The glowing green are currently the core team with the rest serving as backup!

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Now we have made it to Goldenrod! I thought I should go straight up and see what the Spearow carrying mail you receive was randomised into! Say hello to Kenya the Ekans!

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Next we picked up the odd egg from the day care... Have you ever cracked an egg and found more eggs inside? No? Well this may just blow your mind! Meet OddEgg the Exeggcute.

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Onwards into Ilex Forest! The catch would of been Sunkern but Strawberry had it out for him... So no Sunkern for us!

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