

{Daily #ResidentEvil Lore&Trivias🇬🇧🇮🇹}
#バイオハザード Fan since 2000
☣Coherence Lore Keeper
🩵#JillValentine Stan🧟‍♀️@Crimson_Head member
🎮#SurvivalHorror Lady

フォロー数:502 フォロワー数:4956

Why are they doing this right to my fav saga all time?😭

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Here's official pics for 15th,20th and 25th
I can't get why the last one is so disrespectful toward old fans...oh yeah,'cause it's online battle game cover
This hurts me

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Jill,Chris and Albert official versions in Minna to Biohazard Clan Master a card RPG battle game on 2012.
Characters' style is cute but also cool*-*


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Yes,these manga are totally canon:
Prelude to Destruction
Marhawa Desire
Heavenly Island

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Claire and Leon will be the main of REID,Anime serie this year.

Jill is one of the most popular female characters in videogames like Chun-Li,Morrigan or Lara Croft.
She appears in every Capcom cross over games last years but she doesn't in RE timeline since 2009.
This is a shame

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Can we just talk about Jill is making several Cross Over games as iconic videogame character while she is still absent from RE timeline since 2009?
Why Capcom keeps to ignore her if they know she's so iconic?

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I'm playing demo (my main isn't available ☹) because,even if I'm a Fighting games lover,I've played only to from this saga but I want to give it a chance 'cause I suppose it's well made.
Any thoughts about it?

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Happy birthday,Cammy!
She's my fav character since childhood and I just adore both her personality and moveset*-*
I'd like to see an Anime serie dedicated to her Killer Bee times and early days on DeltaRed

Enjoy your day,#Cammy💚

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In RE 5th comic we're able to know the owner of Emmy's bar shown in original and what happened there shortly before Claire's arrive.
The zombie was a cook,he attacked firstly Lady Emmy and then a just married couple

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Chris is a skilled fighter since STARS times but this isn't shown a lot in the first REs 'cause melee attack was out of gameplay
From RE4,the player's allowed to use it and he can show his amazing fighting style

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