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【ロマンシング サガ リ・ユニバース】パトリック(SF2)
SQUARE ENIX様の『ロマンシング サガ リ・ユニバース』にて、「SSパトリック(SF2)」を描かせて頂きました!✨

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SF2 style SF6 character select

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Progression Series! This was a commission, but there wasn't a sketch. I really like Blanka's colors from SF2 Turbo and so those are the ones I used. I also changed his expression as I went. Sakura is super cute, as usual! Misty's outfit really suits her!

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Zangief RETURNS to SF6 and the speculation is all over the place - we know he's getting some of his SF2 victory postures back. Have you watched the developer match footage released? Let us know what you think in the comments!

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Happy Birthday Chun-Li!! I remember playing SF2 at my cousin’s house and seeing her and being AMAZED that a strong, pretty, and cool woman was in a video game😍

She was my childhood hero who showed me that I can be a strong woman too (in my own right). I love her❤️

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I like Giefs. His is really good. I don’t hate Cammy’s redesign but I also don’t really care about it. It’s aight. Think her peak was the buff body SF2 with the curl. (Right image is this scene in the movie as her super which brought me back.) looks super fun too.

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Next request done if not a little rough. I am working on cleaning the lines up but haven't posted anything this week so this is more of an update. I do like the new design but it will never beat the SF2 version. That was and always will be perfection!

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旧サークル名はEDIA LABEL、ASIA LUNARで、ゲームボーイサウンドフォント(DMG-CPU1.5.SF2)を配布しており、これを使ったチップチューンを中心にゲーム音楽風のCDを制作しています。


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At the Street Fighter 35th anniversary concert, Yoko Shimomura said for the deadline of the SF2 theme music the security locked the building & turned off the lights whilst she was still there. So she just stayed working all night until delivery at 7am the next day!

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Happy birthday Vega! As always these characters are available as stickers on my https://t.co/GM0IbWUy2C

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Thank you! Everyone on this is doing a pose from this old piece of SF2 artwork. Pop is Chun-Li!

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6. Present Day
This one rocked, although probably being the shortest route in the game
The story is simple but good, really loved the sf2 homage (prolly cos im a big fan of sf2)
Even the portraits used sf2 style and im a big sucker for that

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