

mum. world cinema. action cinema. with a bottle of gin please. my own screenshots and gifs. taking a break. bye for now 👋

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The Terminator can’t be beaten in my eyes, but T2 is undeniably a cracking movie, and this piece explains why perfectly 👌

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Revisited Valhalla Rising (2009) Mads Mikkelsen🔥as the mute Norse warrior One-Eye is perfect! Imprisoned by a chieftain, he is forced to fight. He has the means to foresee his escape, takes it and a long journey ensues. Glorious brutal action, stunning landscapes, kinda deep

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It’s official, I’ve regressed back to 1994, and I’m staying here...🖤

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I am slightly obsessed with this movie now I have finally seen it, can’t get it out of mind...and I have no problem with that! Oh my heart 🖤😊

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It’s ok that I absolutely loved Fulci’s giallo-dance school combo Murder Rock (1984) right?! So fun, some beeaaauutiful shots, and by the end credits, I was ready to jump up and dance too...I’m not saying that I did...😏

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