

The Journal of Victorian Culture publishes #VictorianStudies articles. We also run JVC Online. We welcome articles & posts on any nineteenth-century topic.

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Enjoy today's on the connections between the Victorians and roller derby? Visit "The Development of Sports in Victorian England — Participation and Spectatorship" page by to learn about 19th century sports!

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Clough was too. delegates can enjoy 's piece on Arthur Hugh Clough's Pedigree here

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in 1843 Charles Dickens’ 'A Christmas Carol' was published. By that year it had sold an impressive 6000 copies! It continues to be 'A tale for all time'. Read why in ' piece here: https://t.co/9BOrHubTMr

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We've been looking through our blog archives to brighten up a long Monday, and this fantastic article, titled "Looking for the Victorian Eye in London’s Medical Museums", by certainly is an eyeful! https://t.co/PQezUVF4oe

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CfP deadline for the Victorian Animal Encounters symposium at set for the 28th Feb! Featuring our very own as Keynote speaker. For more details please follow the link! https://t.co/CYbOK3BTJT

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New post by José Viera ‘Of Mice& exploring Deedy&Wright’s The Cheshire Cheese Cat https://t.co/yfrdSblEzW

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