Josefine Lancasterさんのプロフィール画像

Josefine Lancasterさんのイラストまとめ

She/Her - Old school citybuilder fan. Learning programming in GameMaker 2 to make my dream isometric dino-citybuilder in between freelance translating.

フォロー数:192 フォロワー数:483

My project diary says I started my citybuilder project on the 1st of August 2017.

I had played around a bunch in RPG Maker and knew what a variable and an if-statement was. But not tons beyond that. xD

So... Big Happy 5th Birthday, dinofolk! 🥳

0 12

Work and RL has been stealing all time lately and progress is so slooooow xD Still managing to get some spriting in now and then. Updated/polished the claypit and potter, among others.

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Still working on the animal rearing side of the game. There's a lot to it, apparently! But, getting to see pastures filling up with baby dinos that grow up is its own reward.

Here testing pastures of various sizes...

0 9

More map gen this week, got my deltas working and added in herbs and reeds. And for a break, toyed with sketching some new (maybe non-pixely?) god images.

0 11

Bit of a wonky week, but still did some small things here and there. Apparently got the last of my altar sprites done (For Now(tm))!

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Turns out I crossed 100 followers this week. Not something I ever imagined when I started to use this place as my weekly dev diary to show to myself I was making progress. So, um, wow, and have some dinopeeps!

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Not as much project time as I wanted (as usual) this week, but my roads snake again! Decided to add a pattern to invalid tiles, for a bit of extra clarity. Have also put back in some info views. Next, getting save-load to work. Again.

0 7

Busy work and RL week, phew. So dev progress was incremental, but got some sprites done, including the food chain. Crops, meat, fish, forage go to preparers, who turn it into simple food that the people can pick up from the markets.

0 11

Refactor moves on at a steady, slow pace. Backbone of UI, buttons and buildings are in, so should speed up soon. I hope xD Also taking on the second set of houses. The goal is three sets, for a large variety of different house blocks.

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I'll never manage gardens as beautiful as in Emperor, but I finally managed to sketch up some flower shapes+colours for decorations and gardens. As well as polishing the priest house.

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