

Jubblier on BlueSky!

30-something she/her, ace/aro
Independent Artist

Private Acct: @Jubboner

フォロー数:293 フォロワー数:770

Koji Sumida--Midgar (Upper Plate)
Works for Shinra, does programming! Has installed his own camera gizmos around HQ for curiosity sake; sees Cloud and co taking guards out. Sighs. Packs his things and leaves for the day. Tells no one. Too tired to deal with this.

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Liam Kurihara--Kalm
Pleasant little town? He hates it, bye. Left as soon as possible to move to Midgar, clawed his way up to being a Shinra employee in the science division. Does not bat an eye at the human experimentation, in fact encourages it.

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Crescent Kaieda--Corel
Born into horrible conditions but knew he was a star from an early age and worked himself to the bone to become an entertainer/dancer at the Gold Saucer. Frequently visits the Honeybee inn in Midgar because OF COURSE HE DOES

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Russel Collins--Midgar (Slums)
Poor as fuck, dead parents, but still a heart of gold! Takes care of his little sister. Lives close to Wall Market so he can fight in the colosseum, desperately afraid that Sasha will one day be picked as a Corneo bride. Too poor to move away.

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Marcus Palladino--Junon (Upper City)
Militarized, but familiar with the coast! Was raised with a love of Shinra. He questions their actions from time to time but knows better than to step out of line. Enrolled in the military the second he could, made it to soldier 2nd class.

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Wrapped up stream a little early today, I am very tired ; w ;
Thank you guys again for a wonderful weekend! Hopefully we can do these commissions in person next year at Otafest! >:)

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Stream is finished for today! I'll be back tomorrow for more commissions at 2pm-MT!
Thank you guys so much for coming! ^ q ^

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Stream has finished! Thank you everyone for dropping by and commissioning me, as always it was a delight this weekend! I'll be streaming again next friday (and maybe saturday?)! ^ Q ^

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Stream for today is finished! I'll be back up and at it again tomorrow at 2pm-MT! Thank you everyone who dropped by! ^ q ^

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It's art time babey, tomorrow and Saturday I will be taking sketch commissions and requests on twitch at 2pm-MT!

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