

Jubblier on BlueSky!

30-something she/her, ace/aro
Independent Artist

Private Acct: @Jubboner

フォロー数:293 フォロワー数:770

Haven't posted any art for awhile, here we go, some finished commissions! :)

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If you see this, quote RT your art and tag your peeps!

I'm Jubby and I like drawing stupid things and pretty lads :)

Tagging (but only if u want to!) https://t.co/ybeHP81ZNQ

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I realized that I had not posted any commissions I've finished for awhile, here's some! :)

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I doodled a little bit for myself in between commissions and I had so much fun. My WoL I'kai, ft. Unfi'to!

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Marcus Palladino (2)
I CHANGED MY MIND, HE'S FIRST CLASS AGAIN, I WAS LIKE "oh let's be realistic here" NO FUCK THAT I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Jenna [LastName]--Nibelheim
Grew up loving Shinra (good ol' Nibelheim propaganda), loves the hero stories about Soldier, so she joined and made it to first class! Wants to protect people overall and believes shinra can help her do that. VERY misguided, but good intentions.

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A TURK. Vicious. Scheming. Kind of hates Shinra, but hey they gave her a bunch of power so that's cool. EXTREMELY interested in the jenova project.
Also funds her sisters to live in Kalm cause Midgar is poopy stinky, no good for them.

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Judas the Betrayer--Midgar (slums)
Don Corneo lackey, loves his job, dumped his respect women juice down the toilet, betrays Don Corneo the second it looks like his shit's going downhill, lives life in the fast lane, gets hit by Cloud Strife's motorcycle and dies

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Aurelio Frau Lantos--Costa Del Sol
Preys on tourists, scams and steals from them. This man will try to seduce your wife. Blissfully unaware of the state of the world--where did that giant fireball in the sky come from?? Oh well, not my problem, I want a margarita :)

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Shepherd Fontaine--Icicle Inn
Materia research at Shinra, but eventually couldnt stand Shinras lack of ethics and took his shit and bounced. Has an extensive materia collection. Very afraid that shinra will find him and his sons cause they deffo want their shit back.

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