

Jubblier on BlueSky!

30-something she/her, ace/aro
Independent Artist

Private Acct: @Jubboner

フォロー数:293 フォロワー数:770

11-2. Kailani
WOWEE ANOTHER REDRAW Revised facts; she used to be a wealthy man's perfect daughter, but got cursed. Instead of being sad she was entirely delighted and went to live in a swamp. She eats people if said people are being dicks.

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17-2. Shepherd
I redrew him cause that art was old as heck! Additional facts; this man flip-flops between being good and evil, so honestly it's anyone's guess as to what he'll end up doing. Also, he tries to kill Marcus Palladino at least once a month, he has to meet his quota

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Gonna take on the first gym very soon!

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Okay, I made a much prettier one that I will try to keep updated as I go! >:3

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19. Luke/Koji
I don't even know what his name is anymore. EITHER WAY, he's an insomniac that lives like a cave sloth. He's VERY intelligent but is bogged down with exhaustion and an extreme lack of passion. Has a very deep voice

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16. Kai
A punk! A rascal! A ruffian!
Who also loves sonic the hedgehog. Has lightning powers and hates being told what to do. Don't actually got that much on him OOPS

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15. Kato
Rich boy!
He plays violin and is a general spoiled brat! However, he has an inferiority complex with his older sisters and deals with intense pressure from his parents! He wants to make friends but doesn't know how :(

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14. Delilah (Del)
I don't like the old refs of her so only one pic, but she is a fight gorl! She is assertive and a go-getter, and also is a freedom fighter of some sort, I have not thought that far ahead

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13. Judas, the Betrayer
He's a Jolteon gijinka LJHDWKJHJK
Fast boi, a cocky motherfucker, would sell your soul for one corn chip, chronic backstabber, he just wants money, friendship is for losers.

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