

Jubblier on BlueSky!
If you wanna see my art, it's all over there now! ❤

30-something she/her, ace/aro
Independent Artist

Private Acct: @Jubboner

フォロー数:288 フォロワー数:749

9. Marcus Palladino
The unintentional smolder. Also MAMA MIA, ITALIAN BOI
Marcus is a soldier above. He follows command and does the job right with cold precision (if his dumb team doesn't mess it up)
However, he is a secret deep romantic and can be very tender and affectionate.

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8. Rubra
A witch?? How long is her hair?? I don't fuckin know
She is extremely self-serving, the only exception being her sisters. If it means protecting them, there is no limits, despite any consequences.

She may try to seduce you to get her way. You mean nothing to her.

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7. Rumpelstiltskin (Rumps)
Stinky,tired, drunk dad!
This poor man was blursed with clairvoyance, but he has no way of turning it off and so he hears thoughts and information about everyone around him all the time.
Solution: if'm drunk, the brainy talk shushes
He is also rich af

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6. Liam
A villain? Or a friend? Most likely a villain.
This lad clings to every bit of anger he can muster and uses it to get shit done. Vengeance is his favourite dish, and plans it against anyone who may have caused him any minor inconvenience. Despises bubbly people.

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5. Jenna
Wife material! She is very warm and gentle, and while she appears demure and proper, she will not shy away from risque topics. It is very difficult to embarrass her.
Healer class selected.
Wowee, a lot of my characters do NOT have last names :)))))))))

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4. Aurelio Frau Lantos
The golden idiot! This lad believes he can get through life mostly on his looks, and for the most part he is right. However, when faced with adversity, he will immediately turn to his wife and ask her to fix it because she is capable and he is not.

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3. Durai
OLD OCS!!! Another demon prince, Dez's older brother! He fit what dad wanted, a soldier through and through, but then oops, he slipped and fell into deep feelings for an angel, oopsie.
Tries to appear tough but is just a sap who wants to gush about his beautiful gf u///u

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2. Dez (Dezrael)
Another oldie but a goodie! This lad is a demon prince, son of a bloodthirsty tyrant king! Dez is a glass cannon that hits VERY hard, but he's pretty frail. Though he can defend himself, he is a gentle soul, a rare trait for his kind

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1. Crescent
My oldest surviving OC by far, he is my poster boy. He used to be a negative, mean character, but he has evolved a LOT over 11 years. Now he's uplifting, extra as hell, fabulous, and horny on main.

His goal: to make everyone afraid of how much they love him

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Galarian Ponyta will be available as a sticker at my table tomorrow at the Calgary Holiday Expo (and later in my etsy shop!)

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