Juri :|: The One With The Megabyte Tattoo 💚さんのプロフィール画像

Juri :|: The One With The Megabyte Tattoo 💚さんのイラストまとめ

Juri | 🔞 | Lv 40 | They/She/Any | NB/GF | Furry | Introvert | Artist | Sometimes a real person | Pfp by @finchwoodart | Banner by me | Nsfw: @JuriAfterDark

フォロー数:561 フォロワー数:210

I got a bit carried away. Sometimes I zone out drawing then suddenly it's dark outside and 2 hours later. 🙃 This can be my "rest/catch-up/draw" for today. Inspired by "Woke Up A Rebel" by Reuben and the Dark. (Yes I've used that song before. I like it.)

3 17

Yes I managed one more Megababe this evo! 🥳 Burnout must surely come soon... but not yet, not yet.

Sketch numero 5 for Megabyte day! 😘 Needed to get dem Wolverine claws in one of today's sketches ofc...💙💚

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I'm continuing the day celebrations this merry with another sketch. This is number 2 of 4! There will be 2 more scheduled later in the day! "Viruses are predatory by design..." 😈

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I make myself sad with this shit... Is this Anakin and Obi-Wan vibes? Fox and the Hound? It's a trope alright.

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It's Day 7 and another "rest, catch-up or draw" day. I am incapable of resting apparently and as it's also spoopy month, let's go for some "bloodlust" with Trojan Megz. "Chaos will always triumph over order. It is the way of things". 💙💚❤️

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So apparently most of social media is down? Has anyone checked up on the Queen of Chaos recently? ;) Well means it's just Twitter getting this evening - and day 4 is Scuzzy! Where's your mistress, Scuzzy...?

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It's time for Day one is Bob. Sorry Bob... You would dab, I just know it... (Big thanks to Hazelgeek for planning this! So excited to see what everyone creates!)

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Current art projects I'm working:

*ReBoot storyboard vid (animatic?), having a lil play with some Hunt ideas. It's half done!

*ReBoot tarot - just high arcana for now. On back burner whilst I finish the vid. Don't wanna break my flow!

Thnx everyone for your support so far! 😊

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"We know what we are, but know not what we may be" (Hamlet, Act4, sc5).

Happy I think I've gone foe yay on main again, sorry guys. 😏 My brain *was* going somewhere with this. But I honestly don't know where. 🤷

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Have some old art. I was pondering on how a forest of Alolan Exeggutors might actually be frickin terrifying. Maybe they'd lure children into the woods with whispered promises then as the sun goes down, devour them... So I sketched it.

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