Juri :|: The One With The Megabyte Tattoo 💚さんのプロフィール画像

Juri :|: The One With The Megabyte Tattoo 💚さんのイラストまとめ

Juri | 🔞 | Lv 39 | They/She/Any | NB/GF | Furry | Introvert | Artist | Sometimes a real person | Pfp by @finchwoodart | Banner by me | Nsfw: @JuriAfterDark

フォロー数:561 フォロワー数:207

There we go, I did a more detailed sketch. Though it's not as silly a sketch as I had intended. Ah well. 🤷 https://t.co/r1Rvl3p5hS

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I felt like taking a break with more fanfic-type fluff soooo back to stock photo draw overs! Dot's probably educating Codec in offsetting market flux and profit margins and such like. 😄

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"You ruddy big viral git" 😅

Just for a change, here's another sketch of Megabyte. 💚💙❤️ 😘

4 30

So sparkly! He has the confidence to rock any outfit. (Love the D necklace!)

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Time for a Sh!tpost! I was writing a ton of fic snippets when I was stuck on a coach to London last week and this scene wrote itself where Dot is like "ffs" with MB's sass and gives him the finger, and he gives one back. Pretty OOC for both but it amused me. So I drew it. 🙃

4 20

When I say these are drafts I mean it, I've not even drawn Mouse's face properly, but I want to get all the High Arcana outlined asap so I can get on down and dirty rendering them. Anyway, lookit this pair, I love them: Mouse as The Moon, and Ray as The Sun. 🌜🌞

4 27

I'm sure Megabyte knows full well who it was who sent him into the Web to perish. She's top of the list. And he can bring it on, sugah.
I got carried away with this drawing but nvm, it turned out alright considering I'm allergic to backgrounds... 😅

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Howdy, my name's Juri or Grace. I'm a hobby artist, I write cringey fanfic, and in RL I train dogs for a living. I am not currently taking commishes but you can buy me a coffee via Ko-fi if you like my work! Links in the following tweet! 🙂

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